Bird Toy Parts

Various parts for creating, updating or adding to your Birds toys.

You will find all the hardware, beads, danglers, and many other items (like bells!) you will need to create entertaining items for your Birds pleasure.

Individual items used in BirdieWood kits are marked in the product description so you can purchase replacement parts when needed.

  • Star Anise | The Bird Toy Store

    Star Anise for Birds

    Star Anise 1/2 ounce Birds love these! Partial pieces and some whole. Tasty all the same! Half ounce bag that we have repacked from bulk.

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  • Wood bases for Bird toys | The Bird Toy Store

    Wood Toy Base Large Bird Toy Parts

    Wood Toy Base - choose your length. Approximately .875" x .75" Natural (6" shown) Drilled 3/8" holes Use to create Bird toys. Purchase your BirdieWood TM natural wood pieces Here and hanging hardware can be located Here

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