Manu Rose


Manu Rose

2 × 2 × 1 in

Great for helping keep beaks trimmed

# Calcium: Needed for strong bones, proper muscle function, and eggshell production. Min. 18%

# Copper: Helps keep blood vessels flexible for good circulation and promotes healing. Min. .002%

# Iron: Carries oxygen in the blood and needed by hens for egg production. Min. 1.8%

# Magnesium: Activates enzymes for absorption and transportation of nutrients. Min. .85%

# Manganese: Required for metabolism of fats and sugars: Improves hatch-ability. Min. .10% #

# Phosphorus: Releases energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Min. .20%

# Potassium: Needed for normal heart and muscle activity. Min. .10%

# Sodium: Aids protein absorption and maintains ionic strength of body fluids. Min. 1.2%

# Zinc: Needed for sexual maturity in males; involved in formation of feathers. Min. .01%

Ingredients: calcium sulfate, iron oxide, bentonite clay, sodium chloride, magnesium oxide, potassium chloride, dicalcium phosphate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, ferrous sulfate, and manganese oxide.


Have you seen the Manu Block?